JXCirrus Finance
Take control of the chaos of your home finances - Simply and quickly.
JXCirrus Finance lets you take control of the chaos of your home finances. Follow and check the balance in all of your bank accounts - JXCirrus Finance tracks every transaction and lets you tick them off against your bank statements. Create budgets to track where the money is going to, and graph them over time.
Keep the balance of as many different bank accounts as you like, as well as cash.
Assign expenses to different budgets and keep track of your spending patterns.
Lock off transactions so that they cannot be altered (once you have checked them off against your bank account).
Transaction details are pre-filled where possible to make it super quick to enter everything you spend.
Advanced repeating transactions.
​Free Download
Version 3.7.00, Released 20-Dec-2024

The Main Window
Balance your account records against the cash in your bank account or your wallet.
Create estimated future transactions, such as holidays.
Quickly transfer between accounts or budgets.
Display your account balances or budgets week-by-week, month-by-month or year-by-year (and save to your favourite spreadsheet).
Shows a graph of your account balance.
Keep different files for different family members (as many as you like).​
Great search and bulk edit functions for transactions.
Works perfectly happily when disconnected from the internet.​
Sync data between devices using iCloud or Cloud Share services.
Detailed inbuilt user manual.
​​To install:
Windows: Run the installer and follow the prompts.
Mac OSX: Run the installer and follow the prompts.
Linux: Unpack the installer (tar xvfz JXCirrusFinance-1B_Linux.tgz) then run the installer (JXCirrusFinance/install.sh).

The iOS version of the app.
In-App Purchases

​​​If you use iOS, MacOS or Windows 10, we suggest you download JXCirrus Finance from the app stores (see the buttons to the right). Once you have that app store app, choose the "Premium Features" menu to make an in-app purchanse. If you downloaded the app from this site - Press the "Buy Now" button, and we will send you an email containing a license key the next business day, which you can enter in the app. Please make sure you supply a valid email link when purchasing (or we wont be able to send you your license). If you don't get a response within 48 hours, please contact info@jxcirrus.com.
Features in the Diary+ add-on
The premium edition of JXCirrus Finance has an extra mode which makes balancing against bank statements super-easy:
Re-sorts the bank account transactions so that the displayed order matches your statement.
Displays the balance after each transaction.
Specialised toolbar gives only the functions needed for balancing statements.
For the desktop version, the window can automatically narrow down to sit beside a PDF of your bank statement.

​​​$5.99 au
​(Australian Dollars)
Important: If you downloaded JXCirrus Finance from the Apple App Store, or the Microsoft Store, you must use in-app purchase within the app to buy add ons, not this site.